"The Adventure of Mermaid: The Beginning of an Adventure" is a novel that narrates the adventurous journey of a sibling duo from the Aquatic Kingdom. Princess Eka, a princess of the kingdom, together with her brother, Prince Eko, embarks on a challenging journey to restore music and harmony in their kingdom.
A dark tragedy struck their family when one of their family members was killed by pirates when they were 8 years old. This incident left King Hendra, their father and the king of the Aquatic Kingdom, heartbroken. Consequently, he developed a grudge against humans and banned music in the kingdom, which he believed was the cause of the death.
After the death of Queen Jean, their mother and the queen of the Aquatic Kingdom, King Hendra married Velia, who became their stepmother. However, Velia's cruel upbringing brought many problems for Princess Eka and Prince Eko. Additionally, Velia was revealed to be the mastermind behind the murders in their family and the kingdom. With the help of Rio, Marvin, and the members of the Aquatic Band, they are determined to bring back music and harmony to their family, despite facing numerous obstacles.
In this adventure, they uncover many hidden secrets, meet intriguing characters, and undergo tests of friendship, bravery, and true love. Throughout the story, readers will also delve into the history of the Aquatic Kingdom, the conflict between sirens, mermaids, and krakens, as well as many other surprises.
Will Princess Eka and Prince Eko succeed in restoring music and harmony in the Aquatic Kingdom? What will be their fate and the future of the kingdom? Find out in "The Adventure of Mermaid: The Beginning of an Adventure."