There. He stood tall and proud, while I stood there in the corner, shy and scared. Why? Why did we have to be separate instead of together? Why couldn't we be happy with each other. Safe and sound in each other's arms, with only the warmth of our love warming one another. But no, this is not some lovey dovey romance skit, but just the opposite of it. because he just couldn't man up and confess or I couldn't man up and confess. One way or the other it wouldn't have worked out because it was never meant to be. It was never planned so it was not going to work out. It was all but a waste of time, energy and love. With out him I couldn't do anything. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't dream or leave or love anymore. Alone, I felt I couldn't do anything and that it was useless, I was useless. Just the thought of living was a nightmare. That i would have to wake my self up with a few punches, cuts and attempts with death. Then one day I couldn't handle this burden. Then I woke up.
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