After getting home at dawn, thirteen year old girl Sumiko Kamado discovers her middle aged parents Tanjuro and Kie and younger siblings, twelve year old triplets Nezuko, Takeo and Hanako, eleven year old boy Shigeru and ten year old boy Rokuta, had all been turned into demons with a immunity to the sunlight and their memories intact the night before. Shortly after this, the family of eight is found by a samurai who captures them and sends them to the entertainment district of Tokyo. Due to her family having been turned into demons, the teen girl is employed into the district's Tokito house alone. Two years later, Sumiko, now fifteen, is found there by male demon slayers Tengen Uzui and Kyojuro Rengoku. They go upstairs to the large room she had been sharing with her family just before Tanjuro, Kie, Nezuko, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru and Rokuta wake up from the comatose states they had been in for a year.