In the heart of an average high school, (Y/N) (L/N) leads a life of quiet mediocrity, his days marked by introversion and a hint of sharp-tongued wit. However, his existence takes a drastic turn when a fatal accident claims his life, only to awaken in the body of Hitori Gotoh, a reclusive high school girl. Hitori, with her penchant for hiding in unlikely places and struggling with social interactions, becomes an unexpected vessel for (Y/N)'s consciousness.
As the two souls navigate the complexities of sharing one body, (Y/N) reluctantly takes on the role of Hitori's guiding friend, endeavoring to help her navigate life's challenges and forge genuine connections. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, each offering a unique perspective on the world around them.
Amidst the chaos of switching bodies and blending identities, (Y/N) and Hitori find themselves confronting their deepest insecurities and desires. From navigating high school drama and making bonds in the Kessoku Band, their intertwined journey unfolds with each passing day, revealing the complexities of the human soul and the bonds that transcend physical form.
Y/N l/N was your average girl.
She had good grades.
Good group of friends.
She was happy and cheerful.
And she had wonderful parents.
But that all changed when a certain accident left her alone.
It all happened quick and now she had start over.
She wanted nothing to do with anyone and kept to herself.
She didn't even bother looking for her soulmate.
In a world where on your body, the initials of your soulmate appear...Y/n could care less about it.
"Why him? Out of anyone in this world.. Why him?"
I DO NOT own any of the Haikyu characters. Only my OC Characters.
I do not own any pictures unless stated otherwise.
All credit goes to the artists.