a girl who sees Luke while walking on the street and falls in love instantly with him The way she started liking him is with his hair his voice and his clothes she thought he was really amazing and really cool she thought he had a really great voice and she loved his music she fell in love with him instantly she started liking for king and country which is the band he's a part of she started liking them in 2019 when she went to their friendships world tour she loved it so much she almost got to meet Joel and Luke but it didn't happen for her she's not lucky this time but she thought maybe I'll be lucky next time maybe I'll get to meet them next time in life that's all she wanted was to meet them she didn't expect what was going to happen next she thought to herself am I going to get to meet them in my life and then she her chance of her lifetime to meet Luke himself when she so wasn't expecting what was going to happen next she thought she was just going to the car but then her mom took a turn to the right and said wait I was surprised for you after the concert that you're not expecting that you've been wanting for your whole life ever since 2019 when you saw them and I'm like what am I really going to meet them today and she's like yep you're lucky you get to meet them and now I'm going to be there to film every moment of it and I'm like yay I finally get to meet Luke and tell him my story and tell him about without you and how we relate to him and his song and she's like yes you do get to meet him today for the first time in your life and your dream is going to come true finally for youAll Rights Reserved