In a gritty urban setting, Pavel, an orphan turned underground boxer, took in Krittin, a street-smart youngster. Pavel fought not just in the ring but also against the challenges of life to provide for Krittin. However, a dangerous twist of fate pushed them into the crosshairs of gangsters, leading Pavel to make a desperate plea for Krittin safety. Unbeknownst to Pavel, Krittin harbored secret feelings for him.
As they faced separation, Pavel urged Krittin to pursue a better life. Little did Pavel know that Krittin departure was fueled by a misunderstood confession of love. Five years later, their paths crossed again, but Krittin, now a skilled and reputable individual, bore the scars of a transformed identity. The story unfolds as Pavel navigates the complexities of love, loyalty, and the consequences of a past that shaped them both.
Music: ใครพี่น้องเธอ PONCHET
When Charlie gets away from his drug dealing father and is sent to live with his grandparents, things aren't suddenly okay. Charlie's broken. He's not sure he ever wasn't broken. When things get unbearable, the only thing that helps Charlie feel grounded is music. What can he do when he runs out of batteries for his old walkman?
At school crowds of people gather to watch Travis perform, but when he goes home his only company is his cat. He escaped his abusive parents, but now he lives with his older brother who is usually away working. Will the strange, quiet boy he finds sitting on his porch trying to listen in on his music put an end to his loneliness?