In the world there are those with quirks, taking up around 80% of the population. Quirks are powers given to humans by development within their bodies, with the rise of quirks so came those who used them for evil, and to respond to that evil, the age of heroes came to be.
After centuries of a corrupt and broken balance between evil and good a different type of being came to be, a mutation within a small group of humans unlucky enough to be born without a quirk. This new gene gave them a fighting chance in the wretched life they lived.
Izuku Rowe is a quirkless 4-year-old. He had to move in with his father and his new family in Salmon Bay, Washington, America after the death of his mother. As he grew up he realized the unfairness of the system and began to live a life of petty crime in a form of rebellion, Watching his father and step-mom die because a hero chose to not risk his life only cemented that belief.