The story is set in a world devastated by nuclear warfare for over 60 years. In this chaotic era, the protagonist, Su Tianyu's father, was a chief staff officer in an exiled military faction. However, he was assassinated by anti-government forces in Zone One after supporting the autonomy of the Chinese community in Dragon City. Soon after, Su Tianyu's mother succumbed to depression. Su Tianyu completed his university education thanks to his father's connections and returned to Dragon City after graduation. The Su family runs an environmental sanitation company in Dragon City, employing eight hundred sanitation workers. Su Tianyu's university tuition was also covered by the Su family. When faced with the dilemma of their company being acquired by another sanitation company, Su Tianyu resorted to inciting workers to riot and engaging in fights, ultimately helping the Su family overcome the crisis. Along the way, he forged many friendships and connections, laying the foundation for his career. Su Tianyu is not a lone wolf but part of a large family with over twenty cousins. This allows him to strategize and provide counsel without having to do everything himself. He is akin to a strategist like Zhuge Liang, possessing excellent advisory skills and physical prowess.