Two of the sons of the son of Leviathans and Hyi both of them were rivals and enemies of all that seek freedom there power were that of contracts and see how that shapes the two by trying to get out form there parents shadows.
The Straw Hat Pirates, after defeating Doflamingo, depart from their new found friends and make their way back into the New World. They end up on a small summer island called Jade Island where they meet the user of the so called "God fruit". To no surprise the Straw Hats find themselves face to face on this Marines yet again on Jade Island. With the Straw Hat's life now intertwined with the God Fruit user's the Straw Hat find themselves in situations they never thought they would find themselves in.
This is my first story on here. One I get my thoughts gather more hopefully I will come up with a better summery for everyone.