IISM proudly congratulates Anushka Umesh Naik from MSS first year, who bagged the Gold Medal 🥇for the University of Mumbai's Mallakhamb Team in the Khelo India University Games, held at Guwahati, Assam. Anushka, your feat is humongous and inspiring for all our students. Your achievement is a standing testimony to your hard work and talent. This is one of the golden moments to be carved in the IISM's history. We wish to see more gold medals in your cabinet. Click to know more: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3pp-LXo-bh/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== @anushkanaik20 @officialkheloindia #goldmedalist #iism #universityofmumbai #mallakhamb #kheloindiauniversitygames #guwahati #assam #hardworkpaysoff #goldenmoment #inspiration #sportsachievement #proudmoment #champion #victory #success #dedication #perseverance #goalachieved #dreamcometrue #futurechampion #IISMStudentAll Rights Reserved