Hello and welcome to my page. Inside, you will find five short stories that will either terrify you or make you sick to your stomach depending on how good your imagination is ha! Each story is based around the theme of the title. Christophers dog in Solidified may be a psychic; Lyla doesnt know if shes seeing ghosts or if it's all in her head; Tashia's family will literally eat your heart (and brain) to fuel their powers; has Lily gone crazy up in space?; and last but not least, a man suffers from sleep walking and goes on a killing spree to cure his cancer. Although it is mainly horror, each story in the book is in a genre all on its own from sci-fi to psychological horror and some southern goth added to the mix. Read in the dark for enhanced added effects. You will not be disappointed, I guarantee or your money back. Happy Reading!