Clover Wright, an ambitious girl with goals is a hardworking young woman who interns at a major tech company. Kaidan Berkely, a spoilt, lazy, and rebellious young man with no goals or direction in life is heir to the company Clover interns at.
Clover and Kai cross paths when Kaidan's father decides to appoint the meticulous and hardworking intern, Clover, to train and polish his son to be fit to take over the company.
Chaos erupts when a compliant intern and a rebellious heir from two different walks of life are forced to work together. Kaidan, who has thus far lived by his own rules must now deal with a 'man-sitter' his father appointed who has full authority to tell what to do. Clover, who only wanted a normal 9-5 desk job must raise a fully grown man who doesn't know the first thing about real life.
Among the mayhem, arguments, and fights lies the bittersweet tale of two young adults who try to navigate through life.
"Because you're my headliner, my headliner."
In a sea full of fans, I can only see you.
In a twist of fate, can the idol now become the one to fall head over heels over his biggest supporter?