28 capítulos Concluído "My name is Adalia Kritant, and I can see, feel and communicate with ghosts."
Adalia has lived her life with a curse: the ability to see and hear the dead. It has caused her to miss out on the joys of life. Friendship, happiness and love have eluded her, but she is destined for her own unique journey.
It changes the day she meets a ghost like none other. Nolan is almost alive in the way he walks, talks and reacts with the world around him. This mysterious specter shows her the joys of the living and the dead. The bond that results is steadyfast and can span beyond death, but Nolan has another mission. He has come to find closure for himself and his family, by discovering the identity of his murderer. Adalia will be drawn into a web of secrets and betrayal, a puzzle that will include her own broken family. Using her curse, and the knowledge of her guide, Adalia unravels the truth, and discovers a new world linked to her power and her destiny.