Cessiana Delfin's story unfolds against the backdrop of Umanda High, where she not only excels academically but also captivates with her graceful movements on the dance floor. Despite her talent and popularity, her heart is entangled in the allure of someone who possesses not only physical attractiveness but also intelligence.
In the corridors filled with whispers of young love, Cessiana finds herself drawn to this individual, whose presence sparks a symphony of emotions within her. Their interactions, though fleeting, leave an indelible mark on her heart, igniting a journey of discovery and longing.
As she navigates the complexities of adolescence, Cessiana's feelings deepen, intertwining with the rhythms of her life as a student and dancer. Each glance, each shared moment, becomes a delicate thread weaving their tale of teenage romance, a tapestry of emotions woven with the threads of passion and uncertainty.
Through her experiences, Cessiana learns the nuances of love and desire, discovering that true beauty lies not only in outward appearances but also in the depth of one's intellect and character. And so, amidst the whirlwind of adolescence, she dances to the melody of her heart, embracing the journey of teenage romance with grace and fervor.
(Academy Series #1)
The Gonzalez heir, Kairon, was sent to Garnet Academy to ensure his safety against the suspected hierarchy war. Appointed as the Commander of the student body, he got the privileges and people fearing him... Except her. Except Paige from Casa Aeris.