In the tumultuous expanse of Metro Island, a desolate wasteland marred by the echoes of its tumultuous past, Leo King finds himself ensnared in the web of chaos and violence that has engulfed the island since its discovery by Americans in 1940. Initially intended as a remote penal colony for society's undesirables, Metro Island quickly devolved into a lawless abyss, abandoned by the outside world to fester in its own depravity. Leo King is a young man determined to leave the island one day, but freedom on the island is a goal far out of reach for most people.
For Leo, Metro Island is not a home but a prison, a desolate purgatory from which he dreams of escape. Yet, as he navigates the perilous streets and alleys of the island, Leo is confronted by the harsh reality of his circumstances. Ten ruthless gangs hold sway over Metro Island, their iron grip leaving little room for hope or redemption.
Driven by a singular desire to break free from the chains of Metro Island, Leo embarks on a perilous journey to carve out his own path to freedom. With each step, he confronts the specter of his own inexperience and naivety, grappling with the harsh truths of survival in a world where only the strong endure.
As Leo's quest for escape collides with the simmering tensions of Metro Island's underworld, he must confront the demons of his past and the uncertainties of his future. In a land where justice is a fleeting dream and hope a distant memory, Leo King stands alone in a world that wants nothing more than to see him rot in his self contained prison.