This story revolves around Ethan and Ava, two skilled operatives from rival factions within the complex, intrigue-filled city of Eldoria. Despite their opposing loyalties and the ongoing power struggle between their factions, Ethan and Ava find themselves inexplicably drawn to each other. As they navigate a dangerous game of espionage, political maneuvering, and hidden agendas, their forbidden connection deepens, challenging their beliefs, loyalties, and the very fabric of their world. Amidst the backdrop of a city teeming with secrets and the looming threat of a greater conflict, their story explores themes of love, betrayal, and the quest for power in a world where nothing is as it seems, and where personal and political allegiances are constantly at odds.
Yaduvanshi Series #3
it is a book under yaduvanshi series. But it could be read as standalone too.
Nitya Raghavendra is a telugu businesswoman earning millions but her appearance in news is almost negligible. She is a sweet but sassy lady. She hates to hurt other person but once you are in her bad book, she won't care even if you cry thousand time in front of her. But behind all this, there is a girl who craved for love all her life but what she got in return is betrayal. Her heart always craved for love but fate taught her to live without love.
Shivansh Singh Yaduvanshi is the younger brother of the biggest businessman of India. He haven't achieved anything great in his life yet but still he is all over the newspapers and social media, all because of his physique, looks and lavish lifestyle. Every week his name is attached with a new lady. He is known to be the playboy but is he?
Let's see how life take turns when they are both tied in an arranged marriage. A beautiful love story with chaos everywhere or a simple married life.
PS: All pictures are taken from Pinterest.