Art. She created art, and though it was in an unconventional form, it was still art; her art. And it was also a service. Decorating homes made Jeanette Johnson happy, but that was about it. In a city where she dedicated her time to recreating homes, she felt sort of lonely. She needed something, someone to pay attention to her; she felt empty. All she wanted was to be loved. And she happened to find it in all the right places.
He was the most silent, pensive, and mysterious man anyone had ever met. Sixteen people worked in his home, and only one of them, the butler, had spoken directly to him. Mr. Daniel Arsden was his name, and few knew it, however, many benefited from it. Daniel was a no nonsense type of man, one who few people had seen face to face, and he wanted to keep it that way. His undercover law dealings were the source of his happiness for so long, but he was ready for something different.
What happens when someone enters his life, and changes it completely, tossing both of them into a situation they had never predicted being in? One home, one project brought two very different people together in a situation they had no control over.
And now, it was simply a game of Mystery and Restraint.
Pirou Fotenot had been the pimp of Amorette's mama. When she died in childbirth, Amorette became his "foster child." Until the stipend checks stopped, then he sold her body to pay off his ongoing debts.
But there was so much more to Pirou's Jezebel. Not only was she beautiful and alluring, she had gifts that made Pirou's marks even more willing to do whatever Pirou wanted Amorette to do and fall for her. All it took was one touch and their minds were suddenly full of nothing but her. Her green eyes. Her long curly black hair. The jasmine perfume she wore. She could also read their minds as easily as if she was reading a book.
The main talent Amorette had wasn't really a talent at all. Amorette had sex with his clients....then they died, leaving no obvious reason for their death and Amorette filled with the sex energy she drained.
Pirou raped and beat her on a regular basis but he was the one person she couldn't kill that way, which left Amorette trapped until he drunk himself to death.
Until one night when she meets a baby prostitute in the playground who promises Amorette that she can save her. Amorette wants to get into her pants so she's willing to agree to anything. Then people start dying and Amorette wonders if she'll be saved or if she's leaving one pimp to go right into the stable of another.
This is Amorette's origins story in the Black Widower universe
Picture of Amorette by plutokitty.