In a sudden outbreak, John, a software engineer, finds himself in a fight for survival amidst a zombie apocalypse. Alone and terrified, he gathers a group of survivors and navigates through a city overrun by the undead. Facing constant danger and challenges, John learns to adapt, develops new skills, and forges deep bonds with his companions. Their journey leads them to a rumored safe haven-a military base where they find a community of survivors. Together, they rebuild society, finding hope in the face of unimaginable adversity.
Liz is an unclaimed kid with no family and no idea of who she is.
Her only home is Camp Half-Blood
When Camp is at risk of being in the middle of a war because of the Gods that don't care about her, she will not sit back and watch as it happens.
Violence-Curses-Deaths-mentions of suic!des-suic!des attempts