The story revolves around a girl named Suana who has faced social ostracization due to her perceived "ugly" looks, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Despite her struggles, she finds love and acceptance in a new relationship with a handsome young man named Ivan. However, complications arise when Suana's manipulative ex-boyfriend, Dan, reenters her life, causing turmoil and doubts in her new relationship.
The narrative explores themes of self-worth, inner beauty, acceptance, and the complexities of navigating past relationships while trying to build a new and healthy connection. It delves into the internal conflict faced by Suana as she grapples with her emotions, insecurities, and the choices she must make between her past and present relationships.
Ultimately, the story highlights the transformative power of self-acceptance, love, and the importance of choosing relationships that value and respect individuals for who they are, rather than superficial appearances. Suana's journey towards embracing her inner beauty and making decisions based on self-worth and genuine connection serves as a poignant reminder of the significance of prioritizing emotional well-being and authentic relationships.
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some of these are mine and some of them are copy and paste soo credit goes to the respective owner ♡