In the heart of Indiana's small-town charm, two high school souls collide in the most unexpected place. Alyeeha, who also goes by Aly, is a quirky loner at Yorktown High School who traverses the halls feeling invisible, yet her vibrant personality hides beneath the layers of her invisibility. But when her only two friends coerce her into celebrating her birthday at a local high school house party, fate orchestrates a meeting that will change her life forever.
Alyeeha's path intertwines with Wine, a star basketball athlete from a neighboring school, with a heart for others that has a tendency to be poetic or possessive. Despite that, their connection is instantaneous, sparking a fiery romance that ignites the sleepy streets of their hometowns.
As their love deepens, Alyeeha's turbulent home life casts shadows over their romance. Will the cracks in her family's facade drive a wedge between her and Wine, testing the strength of their bond? And when Wine grapples with Alyeeha's unwavering spiritual faith, will he find compromise in her strong beliefs, or will it become the barrier that divides them?
But as two seniors in high school figure out life together, a lurking threat emerges from the shadows. Will Wine's friend, drawn to Alyeeha's magnetic beauty, see an opportunity too tempting to resist? As alliances shift and loyalties are tested, Alyeeha and Wine must navigate the waters of love, faith, and betrayal, where every decision could alter the course of their destiny.
In a world where passion and peril collide, Alyeeha and Wine must confront their deepest fears and desires, braving the storms of uncertainty. They are both put to the test, with one character revealing their truest colors.
Every high schooler says that high school is hell, but for an eighteen-year-old, Isla, it really is. For someone who is so sweet and pure she doesn't deserve the torment she obtains daily at school. Her social life is thrown down the drain freshman year when her ex-best friend gets rejected by one of the school's bad boys because he is interested in Isla instead. After three years of being bullied and not having a single friend, things start to change when the school's three bad boys decide they aren't going to allow Isla to suffer alone anymore. With the attention, Isla is receiving from the school's bad boys her ex-best friend wants to destroy her even more and bring down her new friends.
As things start to look up for Isla, tragedy hits her family and her whole world comes tumbling down causing pain and conflict between Isla, her family, and her new friends. With new responsibilities that no high schooler should have, Isla tries her best to make it through each day. Will her new friends stay by her side or will they turn out to be like everyone else?
With secrets, lies, hate, tragedy, friendship, high school crushes, fighting, and love will Isla be able to make it through her senior year, or will she let it bury her alive? **This is not your typical story**
Updates: Completed
Ranked #1 in #Newadult on June 14, 2022