"In a world determined to keep her down, a resilient young woman embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption, striving to right the wrongs of her past. But as she battles against societal expectations and personal demons, she finds herself facing unconquerable obstacles at every turn. Fate, circumstance, and the harsh realities of the world conspire against her, forcing her to confront the harsh reality that sometimes, the greatest challenge lies not in changing the world, but in changing oneself. But the ultimate question: can she overcome the odds and carve her own path to redemption?" Ever since, I thought if the day would come I'll see her in places we used to hang out. She'll speak to me. The funny is, as I looked back to those restricted accounts and read all of those previous messages. There it was, I've realized, to reach where I am right now. There is nothing I can reach out to when I go back. To reach where I am right now, I lost a lot of people along the way. Losing my parents is hard. Losing myself was harder. But losing my only best friend? That was the hardest. It will be the pain that'll haunt me all my life. A sister by soul comes once in a lifetime. But then again because of selfishness, I lost mine.All Rights Reserved
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