In "Iya-Elewe's House," the story begins with a somber atmosphere as Iya-Elewe lies gravely ill. Her husband, Baba Aina, and daughter, Aina, tend to her, hoping for her recovery. Meanwhile, preparations for Iya-Elewe's eventual funeral are underway.
As the family deals with Iya-Elewe's illness, she finds herself on a mysterious journey through a portal in "The Portal." Despite feeling lost, she encounters familiar faces and eventually realizes she is on the "other side," where she reunites with her deceased sister, Antimi Dunni.
On the other side, Iya-Elewe experiences peace and beauty but struggles with memories of her family back on earth. Eventually, she is faced with a choice to stay or return, ultimately being drawn back to reality through a dry well.
Back in her house, Iya-Elewe awakens from her illness, much to the relief of her family. She recounts her experiences, including her encounter with Antimi Dunni, and the family rejoices at her recovery.
The story explores themes of life, death, family, and the afterlife, as Iya-Elewe navigates both physical and spiritual realms before ultimately returning to her loved ones.
مَــاذَا سَــيَحدُث لـكَ إنْ كُنـتَ لا تَـعلم إذ كُـنتَ فـَتى أم فَـتاة؟
فَـتاة في الثانية والعشرون ،معزولة عن العَـالم بـآسرهِ، لا تَـعلم حقيقتها .
عَـاشت حياتها كَـرجُـل وبقيت هكذا حتى قابلت القائد العام لقوات الدِرك الوطني السابق جــيــون اليـساندرو جـونـغــكوك الذي آخذها معهُ إلـى عالمهِ لـيغير حياتها.
# اليـساندرو فـيـرزاتــشي.
# تــولاي فيـنسي.