Chloe's POV
No one knew, no one will no. I thought while waking up to the sound of my alarm clocks sound of 'Baby' by Justin Beiber. I figured that people would think I was a child if I told them about my "secret" so I just kept to myself. "Crap! It's 6:50 am!" " I'm gonna be late!" I almost screamed.
"Chloe? Are you almost ready?" My mom said
"Yeah mom!" I said, reluctantly lying
So I got up out of bed and got dressed in my pink sundress with yellow sparkles. Then I darted to my bathroom and brushed my hair and put it in a side braid, then brushing my teeth for 2 minutes. Exactly 2 minutes. After all of that I ran downstairs to leave.
"Chloe, we are leaving in 2 minutes. Please get in the car" my mom said
"Ok mom" I said back
As I arrived at school, all of the unpopular kids surrounded me. Probably to give me a letter or something. So ignoring them I said bye to my mom and left the car.
While walking into school, I went on my Instagram with 2.1 million followers to see....
Naomi krijgt een aantal grote tegenslagen in haar leven, gelukkig heeft ze Robbie aan haar zijde. Hij staat altijd klaar voor haar, hij houd van haar.
⚠️ In dit verhaal komen zelfmoordgedachtes, zelfbeschadiging, paniekaanvallen en depressie voor!⚠️