Synopsis: Nusantara is a mysterious and enchanting realm nestled in the heart of the Indonesian archipelago, where magic is omnipresent, and ancient myths come to life. The story follows Aria, a spirited teenager who attends Surya Academy, a prestigious school that attracts only the most gifted individuals. Aria soon discovers that her fate is inexplicably tied to the destiny of Nusantara. As she delves deeper into the secrets of this enchanted land, she uncovers a world full of wonder, danger, and adventure. The lush forests, majestic mountains, and crystal-clear waters are home to a diverse range of magical creatures, from mischievous fairies to fearsome dragons. However, Nusantara is also a land plagued by dark forces, and Aria must use her wit, courage, and newfound magical powers to face the challenges that lie ahead. With the help of her friends and mentors at Surya Academy, Aria embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as she learns to harness the power of magic and fulfill her destiny as a protector of Nusantara.
12 parts