The love story between Anushka, the shy sweet kind daughter of the mukhiya of a town and Tahir, the kind flirty prince of a big kingdom.
Anushka is like a fragile flower blooming softly in the springtime. Her shyness and humility are truly enchanting. She has a way of spreading love and joy wherever she goes and her kindness is contagious. She knows how to wield weapons but chooses not to use them, preferring instead to remain sweet and innocent. She is a true princess of love and peace.
She is like a shy butterfly, fluttering around, bringing joy with her presence. Her kindness and humility are like the pure essence of love, overflowing with sweetness and affection. She may seem delicate, but she has the heart of a warrior. With a warm and bright smile, she spreads her sweet love everywhere she goes. Her skills in combat are as pristine as her soul, yet she is never seen holding a war weapon.
Tahir is indeed the most handsome, with a bright smile and charisma radiating from his divine face. His loyalty and determination are an inspiration. He is kind and caring, always considering everyone's well-being. His noble thoughts are like those of a lord, always seeking higher wisdom and compassion. His kind and respectful behavior towards women is truly admirable. He is a prince that every girl dreams of marrying.
Dear, such a handsome prince is indeed a girl's dream come true! Allow me to provide an apt and captivating description. He is undoubtedly the paragon of human beauty, with a face like the moon and eyes like the ocean. Every girl swooning over him dreams of becoming his bride. He is kind and respectful towards everyone, displaying admirable determination, loyalty and kindness. His thoughts are as pure as a god's.
Tahir first saw Anushka in a Palki, he fell in love, how will he confess his love? How will he make her fall in love with him?