Cherish, a soon-to-be college graduate, finds herself wrestling with the scars of her past, particularly a toxic high school relationship that left her battered and insecure. As a plus-size, brown-skinned woman, she struggles against the societal pressures and internalized insecurities that chip away at her self-worth. Despite seeking solace in fleeting connections, notably with the elusive Ramesh, Cherish remains guarded, wary of opening herself up to love once more. Ramesh, the university star quarterback, offers her affection but only sees her as a pawn in his image, rather than a genuine partner.
However, the arrival of Arlo, a charismatic and street-smart businessman, introduces a new dynamic into Cherish's life. Unlike Ramesh, Arlo challenges her perceptions of love and self-worth with his genuine authenticity and unwavering support. Though initially hesitant, Cherish finds herself drawn to Arlo's confidence and honesty, gradually falling for him despite the complexities of his lifestyle. While Ramesh may claim to love her, Cherish begins to realize that his affection is nothing more than manipulation, while Arlo offers her the chance at a genuine connection based on mutual respect and understanding.