In the clandestine world of espionage, two elite agents find themselves entangled in a web of emotions as they go undercover as high school students. Assigned to infiltrate a mysterious organization, Taehyun and Noor navigate the complex terrain of teenage life while concealing their true identities. Unexpectedly, their facade crumbles, and a genuine connection blossoms. However, duty calls, forcing them to separate. Fate, however, has other plans. A new mission reunites them, unveiling a conspiracy that intertwines their destinies. As they navigate a perilous path of deception and danger, Taehyun and Noor must confront their feelings amidst a world of secrets, leading to an electrifying climax where love and duty collide in a heart-stopping espionage thriller.
"The last thing I'd want you both to do it fight over the same girl"
"Don't worry, we won't go that far"
Was what the two of them thought until they fell for the same girl.