The continent of Arashyasu had always been plagued with slavery and its trade until a young boy and his father rose up in rebellion, liberating many of Arashyasu's kingdoms. The boy, Kaien Kyota, became an emperor of several liberated kingdoms overnight. His distrust and distaste against political advances left him a bachelor. However, the pressures of a revolt and the growing tension in this court finally forced his hand.
Renkailene Yukino is a princess of Bahut, a peaceful kingdom but a military superpower. During the war, Bahut turned the tide. They have never dealt with slavery. She studied physcianry under her mother, the late queen, and traveled the continent during the war to aid the wounded. However, her mother's gruesome death left her half-frozen in her mind, making her seem timid and shy.
A decade later, her once prosperous country was forced into trade with Aman-Inkuni, the emperor's kingdom, due to a drought that lasted years. Ren's father arranged her marriage to Kaien for this trade to secure their country's future.
Upon meeting, the two felt a coldness between them. But, as Kaien starts to lean on Ren, a friendship forms between the emperor and the new empress.
During a time of political strife, a threatening war, and scheming court members, an adventure blooms, friendships are formed, and love is learned.
Kurosaki Ayato was raised as a boy by her mother in order to protect her from the dangers that could lurk if others found out she was a girl. A trauma when she was 8 made her more aware of her situation, causing her to bottle up her emotions in an emotionless mask and to take her martial arts lessons more seriously. She is now a 15 year old in her third year of middle school with a reputation when she meets a new boy in her class. Will he be able to uncover what she is hiding? Will she let him in? Baji Keisuke x OC (This is a spinoff/crossover with my other story called A New Life with a MikeyXOC romance)
I try to be authentic to Japanese culture and use last name first name when mentioning characters so no one gets confused. (If I make a mistake let me know)
Rated Mature: mentions of rape, violence, death, mentions of suicide, and sexually explicit content.
** I do not own Tokyo Revengers. Just my OCs and my own plot stories. I have rights to the cover art as well.