This is from the time of iron man two, all the way to endgame. This story is all in Natasha's point of view, and has flashbacks from her time in the red room. Natasha's past comes back to haunt her, no matter how far she runs, she can't stop it. The others find out about her past, but not until much later on. Natasha Romanoff; a very high leval agent and former assassin and very guarded and mysterious. Ships: Natasha x Bruce Natasha x Steve Natasha x Tony Natasha x Clint (best friends/brother sister) Tony x pepper Clint x Laura Wanda x vision Natasha x Bucky Steve x Sharon Natasha x Yelana (sisters) Natasha x Alexi (father daughter) Natasha x Melina (mother daughter) Alexi x Melina Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters!