An Angel, named (Y/n), along with two Angel sisters, Panty, the nymphomaniac Angel, and his girlfriend Stocking, the sweet tooth Angel were kicked out of Heaven, living in Daten City, plagued with countless ghosts. Their goal is to destroy the ghosts in order to return to Heaven, alongside their priest, Garterbelt. (Y/n)'s interests are playing guitar, pizza, and Stocking, teasing her mostly. Panty's interest is getting under the sheets with 1,000 men, including (Y/n), who's rejected her multiple times. Stocking's interests are sweets, desserts and spending time with her boyfriend, (Y/n).
Disclaimer: I do not own this anime, images, or videos. This story is for ages 18+. There will be lemons in this story
Since the moment he walked in the hotel doors Angel had a thing for the all and powerful radio demon. With a glance to a kiss one thing lead to another. From lust to love. And for Angel this is the heaven he has always dreamed of. But will he get what he really truly wants in life happiness and true love?
Start- (2/12/20)
Finish- (8/13/20)
This is my first fanfiction!
(WARNING! I do not own these characters they rightfully belong to Vivzepop! And yes, there is much Lemon or NSFW and a little bit of rapey kind of things in this so please if you are not comfortable, please don't read or hate this is just a fanfiction. Also, I know that Alastor is Ace but not in this. He is actually bi in this fanfiction I will have some OCs)