Garroth Ro'mave is a ordinary teenager who attends Phoenix Drop High in Tokyo, Japan. Also happening in Tokyo is many disappearances of people which cause many to believe it is vampires but Garroth knows vampires aren't real. However after an encounter with one of the bloodlust creatures Garroth and his two brothers Zane and Vlyad are pulled into a world full of vampires and vampire hunters. After the attack Garroth decides to attend Jujutsu High School a place where vampire slayers train to become Jujutsu Sorcerers and is being trained by the strongest vampire hunters Travis Valkrum. However this doesn't stop him from falling in love with three vampires, there's Laurence a charming and handsome vampire, his best friend Blaze, and a special grade vampire girl named Aphmau. After a event between the Tokyo jujutsu high and Kyoto jujutsu high goes wrong and Travis can't help can Garroth and his classmates rise to the challenge? Can Dante and his friends Mai and time kitsune Haruka uncover a secret prophecy? Find out in this rewrite! Note this is inspired by Jujutsu Kaisen and I don't own any Aphmau characters or songs that I useAll Rights Reserved