When Izuku Yagi was 4 years old, he was diagnosed as Quirkless and because of that, his parents began neglecting him and his twin sister along with their best friends began beating him up everyday. For the next couple of years, Izuku's life was hell until one day, when he was 7 years old, he got chased into an forest near Musutafu by his bullies and found a tied up and injured shiny Absol. Izuku quickly went over to it and untied it, however, after he did, a Pokémon Hunter came out of nowhere and tried attacking him. However, thankfully, he was saved by the Absol after it knocked The Pokémon Hunter unconscious by using Air Slash. Izuku thanked the Absol for saving him and was about to leave until the Absol gave him an empty Pokeball that it'd grabbed from The Pokemon Hunter. Izuku immediately knew why it did this and caught the shiny Absol and named her Calamity.
For the next 9 years, Izuku managed to keep Calamity a secret from everyone, but when he turned 16 years old, his aunts, uncles, and grandparents all found out about his neglect and abuse and became furious. Izuku's Grandma Nana then asked him if he'd like to live with her from now on but Izuku told her no and then asked if he could go to The Pokémon Regions, as unlike The Countries, there were so many more Pokémon there and The Regions were much more focused on Pokémon as well. Nana, who Izuku quickly began referring to as Mom, decided to let him go and a couple days later, Izuku was at The Musutafu Airport and is now about to get on a plane to The Pokémon Regions, specifically The Kalos Region.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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