Following the ending of Daughter of Bill Cipher, a new adventure awaits in the strange land of Amphibia. After finding themselves stranded, Molly, Darryl, Libby, Scratch, and Anne have to adjust to the new world until they can find a way home.
But along the way, they meet those who are also stranded. The daughter of Bill Cipher, Bella, Billie, Balan, Nights, the Smiling Critters, Frowny Fox, the Digital Circus crew, cute kittens Magenta, Lavender, and Indigo, Dipper, and Mabel, and the newt that have been reported missing for months, Fern.
As they try to get home, they meet many new friends and foes, along with a few surprising secrets. No one knows why, but maybe they were destined to come to the land of Amphibia.
(Y/n) (l/n) has lived in Gravity Falls forever, but moved away for a year to help out at her Grammy's the year the Pines twins visited. She's always enjoyed monster hunting and the paranormal, but since her father died she's pretty much given up on it. And not to mention she's vowed never to speak again. But now she's back in her hometown, and so are the twins!
Bill Cipher is a dream demon who tried to take over the world, but was trapped in a statue in the woods of Gravity Falls. When (Y/n) finds the statue, what will happen to her? What adventures will she and her new friends embark upon?
((Sorry this summary is so bad but hopefully the story is better!))
Disclaimer: I usually forget these, but yeah. I don't own GF, or the songs in these chapters, or you, my kawaii readers.