In the shadowy streets of Gotham City, where crime and chaos reign, a tender yet tumultuous love story unfolds between Bella Lynn, a dedicated librarian, and Jason Todd, a daring vigilante known as The Redhood. Bella Lynn lives in this city born into wealth, but not one of the snobby ones. Her love for reading is something uncomparable, a hobby shes loved since her time of being able to. Her highschool years are the start to her upcoming story with the adopted son of Bruce Wayne. Her life after highschool was simply working at the city library that her family owns. Her life suddenly changes when someone from her past comes back from his grave. Jason Todd almost the complete opposite of her, born into a poor terrible household to later be thrown by fate into the horrid streets of Gotham. Gaining skills that caught the eye of a certain vigilante of the city. Later brought back by batman and trained to be the next Boy Wonder. After his sudden death and revival he sets out for revenge on the Batman and the cities crime prince. A past love of before his death suddenly rises again. Read to find out their story of school mates to lovers. I don't own anything but my OC, Bella Lynn, and my plot. All DC characters and plot details are of the DC universe company.