"Aira's life takes an unexpected turn when she hears a familiar voice calling her name in the bustling university hallway. Reconnecting with her long-lost childhood best friend, a mysterious figure from her past, brings a flood of memories and emotions rushing back. As they catch up, Aira's world is both comforted and challenged by this unexpected reunion, stirring up feelings she thought she had buried long ago.
But as Aira navigates the complexities of rekindled friendship, she finds herself drawn into a whirlwind romance with a charismatic newcomer, someone with a dark and enigmatic aura. Yet, amidst the laughter and shared moments, a lingering doubt gnaws at Aira's heart, leaving her questioning the true nature of her feelings.
Just when Aira thinks she has everything figured out, her childhood friend drops a bombshell confession, revealing a hidden agenda that threatens to unravel the delicate balance she's built. Caught between loyalty to a familiar face and the allure of the unknown, Aira must confront her own desires and fears.
In a journey of self-discovery and emotional upheaval, Aira grapples with the complexities of friendship, love, and identity, all while trying to navigate the turbulent waters of university life. As she delves deeper into her own heart, Aira realizes that sometimes the hardest truths are the ones we least want to face."
Millie Ripley has only ever known one player next door. Luke Dawson. But with only a couple months left before he graduates and a blackmailer on the loose, will their love story stand the test of time? And will they both need to grow up to face the truth?