...Except Michael doesn't listen.
...Michael does what he thinks is best for (Y/n).
...Michael ends up destroying the doll.
...Michael decides to get rid of Brahms.
But Brahms doesn't disappear that easily.
Not the real one anyway.
For the fourth time, (Y/n) is forced to deal with her overwhelmingly, murderous partners, except she finds out relatively fast that Brahms Heelshire ISN'T who she thought he was. At least NOT the one she was caring for. Because although she still withholds the part-time job as a Nanny in the countryside, she also finds out some dark secrets about the Heelshires in general.
Except that's not all. ANOTHER slasher ends up finding her, (Y/n) stunned by his appearance when she accidentally stumbles upon meeting him at the same time as hanging out in the countryside with Brahms. Does Brahms already know about the unknown killer and his mysterious family? Or was it simply a coincidence?
What happens when she ends up dating ELEVEN slashers; the bad-boyish Freddy Krueger, the ever-so-quiet Michael Myers, the childlike Jason Voorhees, the nervous Norman Bates, the smart-tongued Hannibal Lecter, the devilish Ghostface (Billy Loomis & Stu Macher), the psychopathic Pennywise, the REAL Brahms Heelshire, the sociopathic-like Chucky/Charles Lee Ray, AND the unintentional, lovable Leatherface...?
Can (Y/n) survive a possibly FINAL round of dramatic commotion and handle EVERY single killer, alongside the ACTUAL Brahms and her new admirer as well...? Who knows? Because they promise they'll be good.
-I don't own ANY of the slashers in this story, nor the characters on the cover - I just own the story/plot-line.
-I'm using the Norman from Bates Motel, and using the Hannibal from the TV Show.]
-There might be some Easter eggs/quotes/lines from popular TV Shows/Video-Games/Music/ETC ETC - can you spot them...? ;D ]
Hi guys this is my very first story on this site and I wanted to do something that I don't really see around and that's horror movie slashers one shots for the reader :D if your into that kind of stuff XD at the moment I don't take requests I may in the future but for now I'm just gonna put down some random one shots or drabbles (but you can leave a comment on what you really wanna see on here :) too. Hope you all enjoy :)