In the aftermath of Olympus's fall, Kratos, the Ghost of Sparta, discovered an infant hidden within Gaia's cavernous eye, a child untouched by time or chaos. With no one else to care for the child, Kratos took him under his wing. The boy, named Y/n by Kratos, was raised to be a formidable warrior, adept in the ways of survival and combat, a reflection of Kratos's own prowess and strength.
Yet, Y/n's nights were haunted by visions of people and events he had never seen in waking life: a woman named Faye and a boy named Atreus. These dreams, blending past and future, spurred Y/n's quest for identity and belonging, pushing him to question his lineage and the life he led with Kratos, a life marked by distance despite their closeness.
As the dreams materialized into reality, Y/n found a brother in Atreus, forming a bond built on shared loss and a mutual quest: to honor Faye's last wish by scattering her ashes from the realms' highest peak. Their journey, though fraught with challenges, was brightened by the presence of Arroyo, a girl with secrets of her own, hinting at the first stirrings of romance for Y/n.
But their quest for peace was shattered by the gods of the Norse pantheon, who, drawn by Kratos's past, sought to destroy them. Y/n stood defiant, protecting his family against each deity that dared challenge them, their circle of allies growing with every confrontation.
Amidst these trials, Y/n's powers began to surge, his dreams now painting a vivid picture of an impending doom: Ragnarok. This vision of the gods' twilight set Y/n and his family on a path fraught with danger, testing their bonds and their will to survive.
As they faced the looming threat of Ragnarok, Y/n, guided by Kratos's teachings and his love for Atreus, prepared to confront the end of all things, ready to carve out his destiny in the face of the gods' final battle.
Power has a price.
No Half Bloods know this better than the Lifs and Lifthrasirs, possessing the power of Yggdrasil itself, able to manipulate the dimensions of Life and Death throughout all 9 Realms.
The price?
These Heroes outlive all Mortals, their only choice for happiness is to curse their beloved with a "Blessed Apple" derived from the famed immortal apples Iduna guards, trapping their loved ones in a land where they are never able to leave while the Heroes barely age over the millennia they spend adventuring among the 9 Realms.
As if that isn't cruel enough, Odin revealed a terrible Prophecy - Ragnarok, the final battle of all Mortal, Ethereal and Incorporeal beings where the Cycle of Immortality itself will end, killing beings who have never died with a Lif and Lifthrasir playing pivotal roles in those events.
The Patrons of Old established the Accords - a treaty setting terms for all future Lifs and Lifthrasirs. Forced to train as Warriors and sacrifice their freedom, they serve under the Guardians, the council of members from all 9 Realms who designate missions so that their powers are shared equally, an agreement that has kept the peace for almost a million years but, as Odin himself revealed, all things come to an end.
Nothing spells disaster like the Blazing Spear of Blood, created by Ymir from the root of Yggdrasil connected to Hel, capable of devouring anything with its cursed flames. Stolen by Xerxes the Red King, it has been stored in Ubhal Òir under the Lifs for millions of years, much to the chagrin of the Jotuns who now act as if it never existed.
But it isn't forgotten. Someone is desperate to steal it and Comharrachadh Beatha is the perfect opportunity as most of the Guardians are on vacation enjoying the Tournament of Heroes where the Realms best Warriors come together on peaceful terms to battle each other.
Treachery runs thick behind the celebrations as evil looks for an opportunity to rule again.