In a world where fiction and reality collide, a young woman named Y/N finds herself drawn into the depths of her own imagination. As an avid reader of romantic novels, she often fantasizes about the characters she reads about, but none captivate her as much as the enigmatic Rayman.
Y/N's life takes a surreal turn when, one stormy night, the one and only Rayman materializes into her reality, embodying every desirable trait she had ever imagined. His attraction is undeniable, but their love is forbidden by the laws of both reality and fiction.
Caught between two worlds, Y/N struggles to navigate her growing feelings for Rayman while facing societal judgments and the disapproval of her own rational mind. As their relationship deepens, Y/N grapples with the consequences of pursuing a love that defies logic and reason.
Amidst the angst and lustful desires, Y/N and Rayman embark on a journey of self-discovery, challenging the boundaries of what it means to love and be loved. But will their passion be enough to overcome the insurmountable obstacles standing in their way, or will they be torn apart by the forces that seek to keep them apart?
Join Y/N and Rayman in this angsty and lustful tale of forbidden desire, where the line between reality and fiction blurs, and love knows no bounds.