The story revolves around Dina, who has a bodyguard named Harriman. Throughout the narrative, Dina's friend Ronen makes comments about Hrriman and their relationship, teasing Dina about potential romantic feelings between them.Dina and Harriman engage in discussions about office gossip and potential crushes. Dina is unsure about her feelings toward a colleague named Jake, whom Harriman suspects might have a crush on Dina. Dina contemplates her feelings, unsure if Jake could become a stalker if they were to break up.As the story unfolds, Dina reflects on Ronen's remarks and realizes there might be some truth to them. However, she maintains professionalism and maintains a friendly relationship with Harriman, despite the underlying tension.Overall, the story explores themes of friendship, trust, and uncertainty in relationships, all set within the context of Dina's workplace dynamics and her interactions with her bodyguard and friend.
A WOSO Oneshot book
Oneshots of favourite Women's footballers
Mainly the Lionesses, Arsenal Women's team,Chelsea Women's team, Man City Women's team and Man Utd Women's team