This is the story of Madaki Uchiha, the eldest son of Kawaki and Sarada Uchiha and Kāmi Kakei. This story takes place 15 years after the final battle against the Ōtsutsuki, Jura, and the Shinju.
In this story, Kawaki and Sarada Uchiha had a child... in fact, 3 children... this desire to have so many children came from Kawaki as it reminded him of the time when he lived with Boruto and Himawari Uzumaki.
Madaki Uchiha is 12 years old... in his character, he is very proud like his father and very, very proud of his Uchiha blood. From a young age, he had knowledge of the entirety of the history and of each member of his cursed clan. His grandfather Sasuke Uchiha had told him everything, but that was not enough for him... knowing of Orochimaru's existence, he had the audacity to go and meet him and tell him in more detail about the history of his clan. Madaki was a very proud Uchiha... similar to Madara, so proud that it greatly surprised his mother and his grandfather... in fact, he inherited his pride from his father who also had that aspect, but he redirected his pride in the name of his Uchiha clan... Kawaki had officially taken Sarada's name after their union, in fact, Naruto was a big fan of this couple because he was somewhat the reason for it and he himself had created this bond between Sarada and Kawaki back when they were young.
In this story, the Uchiha are the dominant and highly respected family in the village. Sarada was the 8th Hokage, Kawaki was the head of the new brigade department, called the Power 1000 Brigade (composed of the most powerful ninjas in Konoha who don't hesitate to get their hands dirty when necessary), he was one rank above the ANBU now led by Inojin. Shikadai was Sarada's advisor, Sumire Kakei was the head of the scientific department, Himawari the new leader of the Hyuga clan, and they all also had children (except Himawari).
This is a story where Madara had a son and he trained him to be the best Shinobi ever. He trained his son to even surpass himself. When Yoshiro was 5 an Anbu member found him and brought him to the village. After the massacre, Yoshiro and Sasuke were the last Uchiha's but the Hokage decided to make Yoshiro be unknown to everyone except two people... his teammates. (They are also OC's) When the chunnin exams was nearby, the Hokage decided to make Yoshiro and his team to take it, even if they were doing Anbu black ops rank missions at the age of 6.
Let's see how this goes!