In the heart of a speeding locomotive, two enigmatic figures share a journey veiled in mystery. One, a young golden-haired man, dons the roles of detective and wordsmith with equal finesse, his gaze ever searching for truth amidst the rolling landscapes. Beside him sits a silver-haired gentleman, his distinguished demeanor belying a hidden talent as a captivating pianist. Yet, behind the melodies lies a chilling secret - he is a killer in the shadows. Together, they traverse the winding rails, their destinies intertwined in a narrative of intrigue and suspense
Btw, this is heavily inspired by a event from a COOKIE game. And I can't help but wanting to do it, because of how interesting it was, and because it was a murder mystery kind. It has some parts, but not all. To be more specific, it's the Holiday Express event. ( ̄∇ ̄)
CTTO from the cover photo, in Tumblr
TW: Im very bad at this huhu
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