"Symphony of Eternity: Celestial Embrace" weaves a cosmic tale where destinies entwine among the Avengers and 18-year-old Elemental Weaver, Amelia Rizzo. In a universe where soulmates are bound by an intricate connection, the story unfolds against the backdrop of elemental, stormy, illusory, and resilient symphonies. As the Guardians of the Celestial Realm, they embark on a breathtaking journey from the astral pinnacle to cosmic realms, uncovering hidden truths within the cosmic tapestry. This enchanting blend of romance, fantasy, and cosmic intrigue invites readers to immerse themselves in a celestial odyssey, transcending the boundaries of time and space. Join the guardians as they navigate love, unity, and cosmic purpose in a narrative that echoes through the celestial realms.
Soulmates Aren't Always Lovers (Natasha Romanoff x OC)
40 parts Complete Mature
40 parts
When Tony Stark's daughter, Riley, meets Wanda Maximoff her world is suddenly engulfed in colour as she finally finds her soulmate, but Riley feels nothing for the woman. Riley's close friendship and ever growing feelings for Natasha Romanoff are making her wonder if her powers, her wolf, had chosen the right person for her. Follow Riley as she navigates her way through love, war, grief and her forever growing variety of powers.
This will kind of follow Civil War, Infinity War, Endgame and Black Widow.