Summary: the rogues give up on their careers as criminals and become vigilantes. As vigilantes they start up a cafe which allows normal civilians and small time criminals + some people from that CCPD (key word some). Of Course They will do anything to save people especially their customers so when they find Barry allen (tonya's childhood friend and the person leonard has a crush on) hurt and looking broken in a alleyway near the precinct they are pissed Or The rogues have found a family in each other and when leonard becomes a vigilante after he "died" they go with there non-bio father. ----- Author's Note: HI my stars so i got this idea at like midnight anyways i love you all and thanks for reading. ""I do not own any characters in this story."" -ships Barry Allen/Leonard Snart Hartley rathaway/cisco ramon Mark merdon/tonya woodward Mink rory/caitlin snow/ray palmer Lisa snart/iris west -info This is after the oculus Mick is still a legend Mick and the legend's do not know that leonard is alive Tony woodward is trans (tonya woodward) Tony woodward is alive The rogues own a cafe Everyone is gay:) Vigilante Rouges This fic has a pinterest board and a playlist ---- (also sorry for any grammar mistaks I have dislexia) FINISHED! ---- PART 2 IS UP [title: to life being to full]All Rights Reserved