Here shall I, Gygan_9835, send my regards for a very well known old friend and one of the greatest masters of all time for generations to come of manga. For those who are aware of the news nowadays I shall present it here in this small One Shot that might not make a great impact for you... But part of me wanted this to be made. So I hope you enjoy it, as this will be part of how my own representations of the characters in this small story shall send the final goodbye for this grand creator of entertainment and a story that has changed the genre of manga for all of us. # All rights given to the original creators of these characters and the plot behind them, including the ones upon my own modification. -- Dragon Ball -- Bleach -- Naruto -- My hero Academia -- Dragon Quest -- Dr. Slump -- Black Clover -- One Piece -- OC involvement from my own * Jump Force canon from Toho/Mappa/Bandai/etc. (Shonen jumpverse) PD: This is another canon of Jump Force that does not relate to any of my other stories... One that shall take its debut later on this trailAll Rights Reserved