"Yes, that's fine, honey but we can't just leave her here," Emily insisted.
"Oh yes, we can," Arturo answered.
"Fine," she agreed. "But, you know, good parents don't just leave their 5 year old adopted daughter with their alcoholic best fr... acquaintance."
As Arturo explained how Fred would take care of her just like Emily would, tears started to flow from her eyes. "We'll be back soon; I promise, Amity Dorit," Emily was able to say with a straight face. The happy couple went on their honeymoon to Costa Rica, where they rented a car that Arturo would drive. Listening to the radio, as always, they couldn't wait to go have dinner at the famous restaurant La Viejita. Soon, as fast as a camera's flash, you could hear the beeps from the horns in the cars. A puddle of blood was formed around Emily, and Arturo remained intact. He disappeared as quickly as possible and was never spoken of again; he moved to a different country. Amity Dorit, years after, found pleasure in nothing but time.
Luke, un hombre murió y renació como un dragón.
Su sistema se despertó cuando nació, y en su cofre del tesoro inicial, obtuvo un antiguo linaje kriptoniano.
Cuando Luke descubrió que estaba en el Universo Marvel, un dragón apareció en todos los eventos principales centrados en la Tierra.
A medida que continuó abriendo cofres del tesoro, absorción de energía, supercristales, semillas de poder divino, fuego del infierno, transmisión multiverso, poder de origen, el corazón del universo...
Luke creció rápidamente y derrotó a todas las personas poderosas del Universo Marvel hasta el final...