The Mini Wizard Prince and Half-Blood Prince
3 chapitres En cours d'écriture ©2024 Hogwarts Wizarding World |AssonanceWriter|Fanfic
©2001 All Rights Reserved
All original Characters belong to J.K Rowling
Unexpectedly, Severus Snape, a newly appointed Hogwarts professor engaged to Regulus Black, finds a broken port key under the bed frame of the office that used to belong to Professor Slughorn. After spending a whole day with the odd youngster, whom Severus thought to be Harry, the son of Lily Potter and James Potter, is the young lad truly him?
I initially hesitated to add this as one of their lifelines, but I'm reconsidering. At this moment, my motivation stems from a dream I had about it recently, which compelled me to write this. If you find it enjoyable, I would appreciate your feedback in the comments, as I truly need some encouragement right now.
I truly appreciate your support, thank you so much. ❤️