Sonic: The Fastest Hero in Paris
16 parts Ongoing Title: Sonic: The Fastest Hero in Paris
Summary: In an unexpected twist of fate, Sonic the Hedgehog, after a chaotic misadventure in space, crash-lands into Paris and meets Marinette Dupain-Cheng instead of Chris from Sonic X. A bond quickly forms between the two as Marinette, in her dual role as a skilled designer and superhero, helps Sonic navigate a world that's as fast-paced as he is. Together, they must face the challenges posed by Dr. Eggman, who arrives in Paris with plans to capture Sonic and take over the city. Amidst battling villains and facing new threats, Sonic finds a friend in Marinette, while Marinette learns to balance her own duties as Ladybug with her newfound friendship. With speed, wit, and determination, they form an unlikely but powerful team, proving that even in a world of heroes, the most unexpected allies can make the greatest impact.