there was a man called abdiaziz he used to live in a small hut. He neither had parent nor relative . He only had a cow ,which he used to milk it as his daily meal.this man was in his small hut aquater of the day praying and praising ALLAH.All the village people knew him as the honest man because whenever he do mistake or asked a question he used to tell the truth and used to work honestly. one day he was called by the king for lunch . when he reached the palace ,he was told to sit in private room.the man was so surprise because he had never seen aplace like that.the man was asked some question about his family and his religion.the king was a christian believer and asked abdiaziz to join his believe.abdiaziz asked the king "are you jelous of my religion?"the king became angry and punished the man thoroughly.when he punished him ,he said enter my religion and i will give you whatever you want.Abdiaziz said let me pray two rakaa and iwill tellAll Rights Reserved