Error was one of the strongist destroyers in the multiverse. Well.... Before HE showed up. The first time Error met the him was in the void of the new destroyer. "a GliTcH.......WelL.... ThIs iS gOnNa bE ToO eAsy" Error said with a grin on his face. He shot strings at the glitch to grab him. But he just stood there. "Wh5t'3 Yo8r Na8e, B0y?" The new destroyer asked Error in a calm voice. "Uhh... Why aRen't yo... WhaT's Up wIt9 the F*()I09 naMe!!!!!11!!1111!1111" Error started to shoot errorglasters at the glitch, but it didn't even land a small hit on to the glitch. "Pr88y g00D, B07, N0w 9s My Tu8n11" The new destroyer lifted up one of his right fingers. *Crash*All Rights Reserved
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