In a post-apocalyptic world, where chaos reigns and strange mutated creatures roam, two unlikely companions embark on a journey. Meet Quill Lumin, a resilient 22-year-old boy with a knack for survival in the treacherous wilderness, albeit a bit jumpy. Alongside him stands Jun Eden, a skilled 24-year-old boy armed with weapons but lacking the knowledge of the outdoors. United by chance, these two survivors have been inseparable for two years, relying on each other as the crumbling cities offer no refuge. When Jun stumbled upon Quill, barely clinging to life after a brutal mutant attack, their fates intertwined, marking the beginning of an extraordinary bond. Torn between the allure of the unknown and the comfort of their fragile sanctuary, Quill and Jun discover the true meaning of loyalty, resilience, and the power of trust. - This book was written by a high schooler, do not expect it to be good.
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